
Building a Strong Employer Brand for Women Seeking Jobs in Tech

4 mins

Tech is a vibrant field that thrives on diversity. From the new developments transforming society to the apps we rely on, varied perspectives fuel innovation and shape the products that enhance our lives. 

Despite this needed diversity, women remain underrepresented in tech teams. As the industry expands, addressing this gender gap becomes increasingly crucial for supporting innovation and driving progress.

This guide explores the importance of promoting diversity in the tech sector, specifically focusing on supporting and empowering women in tech jobs. We will provide your business with actionable, step-by-step strategies to help you develop your brand impact and create an inclusive environment that attracts and retains top talent.

In this guide, we will discuss the following: 

  1. Why is an Inclusive Brand for Women Vital in Tech?
  2. Strategies to Achieve a Strong Employer Brand for Women in Tech Jobs
    1. Implementing Inclusive Policies and Practices 
    2. Elevating Female Role Models and Supporting Growth
    3. Ongoing Measurement and Accountability

Why is an Inclusive Brand for Women Vital in Tech?

The tech industry has thrived for decades, excelling at every discovery and development. Does this mean that we excel in every area as a sector? Not exactly. 

While the tech industry has made progress in promoting diversity in its hiring practices, much work remains. Many businesses and organisations are awakening to the benefits of diverse teams for their daily operations, team dynamics, and overall reputation. 

The statistics reveal a troubling reality. More than half of women in tech leave the industry midway through their careers, a rate that exceeds twice that of men. In the UK, only 20% of software engineers identify as women or non-binary, compared to 29% in the broader tech sector. Additionally, projections suggest a decline to 21% in the share of women in tech roles across Europe by 2027.

These numbers highlight the urgent need for inclusivity. Establishing a brand that genuinely supports and uplifts women in tech isn't just about doing the right thing morally; it's essential for the advancement of the industry. While businesses in the sector are starting to recognise the benefits of inclusivity, do we fully understand why it’s important? 

Let's take a closer look.

Addressing Gender Imbalance and Ensuring Equity

The tech industry has long been male-dominated, with women significantly underrepresented in technical and leadership roles. Building a strong employer brand for women in tech is crucial for addressing this gender imbalance. It ensures pay equity and supports a more balanced and equitable workplace. This commitment to equity is essential for driving long-term change in the industry.

Currently, women hold only 26.7% of tech-related jobs. While women comprise 47.1% of the UK workforce, only 16% of Security Analysts and 17% of Data Engineers are female. Despite progress over the years, with women comprising about 35% of the tech workforce compared to just 9% in the early 2000s, there is still a long way to go to achieve accurate gender equity.

Driving Innovation and Performance

Building a strong employer brand for women in tech is essential for creating diverse teams that boost innovation and improve company performance. Women bring fresh perspectives and unique problem-solving skills, leading to more creative solutions and better decisions. This diversity helps companies succeed and stay competitive.

Did you know companies with gender-diverse teams are 70% more likely to capture new markets? Research by the Peterson Institute shows that tech firms with women in 30% of leadership roles see a 15% increase in profitability. These numbers make it clear that promoting gender diversity is a smart business move.

Attracting and Retaining Talent

High attrition rates are challenging, with 50% of women in tech roles leaving by age 35, often due to non-inclusive cultures. Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial in a competitive job market, and women in tech jobs represent a significant portion of the available talent pool. 

Companies can gain a competitive edge by building an employer brand that appeals specifically to women, improving retention rates through a supportive and inclusive environment.

Enhancing Company Reputation and Meeting Market Demands

67% of job seekers consider workplace diversity crucial when considering job offers. Additionally, 58% of companies report that having an inclusive culture and policies enhances their reputation. Companies that support gender diversity and inclusion attract potential employees and appeal to customers, partners, and investors who value women in tech. 

Today, society and the market expect and demand that gender diversity be promoted. Companies that meet these expectations maintain a positive public image and stay competitive.

3 Strategies to Achieve a Strong Employer Brand for Women in Tech Jobs

Now that we've discussed the benefits of having a diverse tech team that includes women let's talk about how to make it a reality.

Building a strong employer brand that reflects your commitment to inclusivity for women in tech is essential. As we've discussed, the tech industry still has a long way to go in addressing gender inequality.

Many companies now feature a dedicated Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) page on their website to showcase their policies. While this is a positive step, it's not enough to solve the challenges women in tech face. They need assurance that they're entering a workplace where their contributions are valued and respected.

So, let's dive into some strategies to help your business create a welcoming environment for women in tech roles. This will not only attract more women to join your tech teams but also encourage them to stay and feel valued.

1. Implementing Inclusive Policies and Practices

Your policies and practices define your company's ethos and culture. However, if they fail to reflect the values and aspirations of the audience you're trying to attract, you risk missing the opportunity to engage and retain them.

Inclusive policies demonstrate to women in tech that your company values diversity of thought and experience. This is particularly meaningful to talented women who seek environments where their unique perspectives are not only welcomed but contribute to success. Many women in tech prioritise working for companies that align with their values. Inclusive practices showcase a commitment to fairness, respect, and creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

Women leaders are over 1.5 times more likely than men at their level to have left a previous job in search of a company with a more substantial commitment to DEI, meaning that it’s never been more important to reflect this in business policies and practices. 

There are several ways to ensure your business policies and practices are inclusive and representative of the needs of women in tech jobs. Let’s explore these below. 

Recruitment Practices 

If you aim to attract more talented women to tech roles within your company, your recruitment practices are the first impression they'll have of your brand. Therefore, they need to be both appealing and representative. Your approach to recruitment should not only showcase your company's values but also resonate with the diverse talent you seek among women in the tech field.

Consider implementing the following strategies to attract more women to tech jobs effectively:

  1. Implement a diverse interview panel process: Ensure that your interview panels represent a variety of experiences and perspectives, particularly those of women in the tech industry. This shows your commitment to inclusivity and provides candidates with a more accurate and comfortable interview experience.
  2. Utilise unconscious bias training for recruiters: Train your recruiters to recognise and address unconscious biases that may influence their hiring decisions.
  3. Partner with universities and organisations focused on women in tech: Establish partnerships with educational institutions and professional organisations dedicated to advancing women in the tech industry.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a more inclusive and welcoming recruitment process that attracts and retains top female talent in the tech industry.

Internal Practices

Your company's policies and practices shape its culture. Integrating these principles deeply into your everyday operations, not just your recruitment practices, is essential. 

Research highlights flexible working arrangements as a top priority for many women in tech. This emphasises the significance of internal practices in shaping the employee experience and staying competitive in the job market.

To support women in tech jobs effectively, consider implementing these internal practices:

  • Address Bias: Create a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and discrimination. Offer anonymous reporting channels for employees to raise concerns, ensuring a workplace where women feel respected and valued.
  • Ensure Pay Equity: Regularly review pay gaps and ensure fair compensation for all employees, regardless of gender. Pay equity is essential for ensuring fairness and equality within the organisation.
  • Support Work-Life Balance: Provide flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies, and childcare options. Supporting work-life balance is vital for women in tech jobs to manage their responsibilities effectively.
  • Embrace Flexibility: Offer remote work options, flexible hours, and parental leave policies. Flexibility empowers women in tech jobs to balance their work and personal lives according to their needs.

By demonstrating the benefits of these practices, you will demonstrate your commitment to supporting women in tech jobs and creating an inclusive workplace environment.

2. Elevating Female Role Models and Supporting Growth

In the tech sector, there's a noticeable shortage of well-known female figures. Surprisingly, 78% of tech students struggle to name a famous woman in the field, highlighting the lack of visibility of female role models. This absence reinforces stereotypes and discourages young women from pursuing careers in tech.

However, research shows that female role models are essential in shaping career goals and encouraging career decisions. A significant 64% of women in tech attribute their career choices to female role models. These role models represent possibility, demonstrating that women can succeed in the tech industry.

Due to the slow rate of gender equality change in tech teams, when women see others excelling in tech roles, it supports a sense of belonging and motivates them to pursue similar paths. This not only advances gender equality but also enriches tech teams with a variety of perspectives. 

For your business, actively promoting and supporting female role models can inspire aspiring women in tech, develop your brand’s inclusivity image, and attract top talent. 

Let’s discuss some methods to implement this into your brand below. 

Showcasing Women in Tech Jobs 

When creating an employer brand that is inclusive of women and aims to attract women to tech jobs, showcasing women within the industry and your business helps identify role models and assists potential candidates in identifying with the company's culture and values.

How to Achieve It:

  • Highlighting Achievements: Share success stories of women in tech through blog posts or spotlight features on the company website. For example, showcase projects led by women in the tech team and highlight their contributions to the company's success.
  • Promoting Leadership Representation: Feature female leaders in company newsletters or internal communication channels, highlighting their career journeys and achievements. Encourage them to participate as speakers at industry events to showcase their expertise and inspire other women in tech.

Mentorship & Sponsorship Programs

Mentorship and sponsorship programs provide essential support and guidance for women in tech, aiding their professional development and career advancement. Pairing junior women with experienced mentors who can provide advice and advocate for their growth accelerates their progress within the organisation.

How to Achieve It:

  • Establish Mentorship Programs: Create formal mentorship programs where senior women in tech mentor junior employees. Provide training and resources for mentors to support their mentees in career development and skill-building effectively.
  • Implement Sponsorship Initiatives: Develop sponsorship initiatives where senior leaders actively advocate for high-potential women in tech. This could involve nominating them for leadership programs, recommending them for stretch assignments, or advocating for their promotion.

Supporting Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Creating supportive communities for women in tech through Employee Resource Groups promotes networking, mentorship, and collaboration. These groups provide a platform for women to share experiences, seek advice, and advocate for gender equality within the business. 

How to Achieve It:

  • Organise Networking Events: Host regular networking events for women in tech, both within the organisation and in collaboration with external industry groups. These events allow women to connect with peers, share insights, and build professional relationships.
  • Offer Skill-Building Workshops: Provide workshops and training sessions focused on topics relevant to women in tech, such as negotiation skills, public speaking, or technical skill development. Encourage participation and provide resources for ongoing learning and development.

Investing in Career Development

Investing in women's professional growth and development in tech is essential for nurturing talent and supporting tech team success. Providing access to training programs, resources, and advancement opportunities empowers women to thrive and advance in their careers.

How to Achieve It:

  • Offer Training Programs: Develop training programs tailored to women's career goals and aspirations in your tech team. This could include leadership development programs, technical skills workshops, or industry-specific certifications.
  • Provide Advancement Opportunities: Create pathways for career advancement, including opportunities for women to take on leadership roles, lead cross-functional projects, or participate in special initiatives.

Suppose your business can build and project a strong female presence through initiatives like elevating female role models and supporting growth. In that case, it can market itself as a more women-in-tech-friendly brand overall. 

3. Ongoing Measurement and Accountability

Over 70% of job candidates check out a company's employer brand before applying. Women in tech face challenges like microaggressions, lack of mentorship, and unequal promotion rates. Measuring progress helps identify and tackle these issues head-on.

In tech, having a diverse workforce is essential. If you don't update your policies and practices to support gender balance, you'll miss out on attracting top talent to your tech team. Without ongoing reviews and adjustments, your efforts will fall flat.

Set up solid measurement systems to drive progress and ensure accountability in inclusion efforts, especially for women in tech. Focus on key metrics like representation, employee satisfaction, retention rates, and diversity audits. Transparently sharing your progress and setbacks shows that you're committed to real change and builds trust with current and potential employees.

Here's how to take action:

  • Representation: Track the percentage of women in different tech roles, from entry-level to leadership. Aim for balance at all levels to create a more inclusive workplace.
  • Employee Experience: Use surveys and focus groups to understand women's satisfaction and retention rates in tech. Address any areas where they feel unsupported or undervalued.
  • Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Monitor participation in mentorship programs, especially where women mentor other women, and track their impact on career growth.
  • Promotion Rates: Compare the promotion rates of women and men in similar roles. Identify and fix any disparities to ensure fair promotion practices.
  • Salary Equity: Conduct regular pay audits to ensure women are paid equally for equivalent work.

Sharing your efforts and achievements is crucial for building trust and demonstrating your commitment to gender equity. This reinforces your internal culture and strengthens your reputation as an inclusive employer.

  • Share Progress: Regularly update everyone on your gender equity goals, including successes and challenges. This openness builds trust and shows commitment.
  • Highlight Success Stories: Showcase the achievements of women in tech at your company. Highlighting their stories provides role models and inspires others.
  • Partner with Advocacy Groups: Work with organisations that support women in tech. This shows your commitment to making a broader industry impact.

By taking these steps and communicating your efforts, you can create a more inclusive environment that attracts and retains top talent, driving your company’s success.

Final Thoughts on Empowering Women in Tech Jobs

Building a strong employer brand for women in tech jobs is crucial for success in today's competitive environment. This requires more than generic company descriptions and demands a focus on diversity, inclusion, and supportive policies. Addressing gender imbalances in the tech industry can unlock a wider talent pool, drive innovation, and enhance company performance.

Promoting gender diversity attracts top female talent and improves the company's reputation among job seekers, customers, and investors. Inclusive cultures lead to higher employee morale, better collaboration, and improved retention. Key strategies include flexible work arrangements, career growth programs, equal pay, and showcasing female role models.

Understanding the needs of women in tech, committing to diversity, and creating an inclusive workplace is essential for long-term success. By implementing these strategies, companies can become leaders in creating a more equitable and innovative tech industry.

Transforming Tech Recruitment Standards

At McGregor Boyall, we are proud to be a female-owned business, reflecting our commitment to diversity and inclusion in recruitment. Our specialist consultants can assist in your talent search across critical areas, including business support, change and transformation, compliance and governance, data and analytics, development and testing, and information and cybersecurity. 

Whether your business requires permanent, contract, or project-based recruitment services, we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs and drive your success.

Contact us today to discover how we can help you attract exceptional women in tech jobs.